Monday, April 20, 2015

Recipe: Arroz con Leche

Nicaraguan cuisine is not known for its desserts, but there is at least one dessert that Nicaraguans do well: arroz con leche. A few weeks ago, our friend Maria invited us to make arroz con leche at her mother's house in the community of Quebrada de Agua. Made over a fogon, or wood stove, with fresh milk from their family cows, this was probably the best arroz con leche I had ever had. Here is the recipe so you can make it too.

Arroz con Leche

2 pounds rice
½ gallon water
½ tablespoon salt
2 large sticks of cinnamon
½ gallon milk
2 pounds sugar

Break up one cinnamon stick into small pieces and add it to a pot with the rice, salt, and water. Cook the rice in the water over a low flame with the lid on, as you would normally cook rice. Once the rice is cooked through, add half of the sugar and all of the milk. Continue to cook the rice with the lid off so that the liquid gradually thickens. Stir constantly. Cook until you've reached the desired consistency and most of the liquid has been absorbed. Add as much extra sugar as you like and throw in the remaining crushed up cinnamon. Eat the arroz con leche hot or refrigerate it and eat it as a cold pudding.

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