Sunday, November 16, 2014

Seeking Volunteers to Live Here:

Our two-year term with VMM working in San Nicolas, Nicaragua ends next September 2015, so we're starting to look for two volunteers to fill our position. This is a place for people with a spirit of adventure, who like living in rural areas and get excited about working on a variety of different projects while getting to know a small community really well.

The position lasts for two years, so it would be from August 2015 till August/September 2017. It's an ideal placement for a married couple, but could work just as well for two individuals. Please pass the following job description along to anyone who you think might be interested. To find out more about the job or to express interest, you can leave a comment below or email or


San Nicolas is a small town located in the northern highlands of Nicaragua, approximately three hours from Managua.  Volunteer Missionary Movement (VMM) is a small, ecumenical Catholic organization that, in its vision for accompanying marginalized people around the world, supports this position. Over the course of the volunteers' two-year commitment to VMM, the volunteers will live and work in San Nicolas.  There are many challenges to this work, but by being flexible and willing to experience life as rural Nicaraguans do, this can be a life-changing time.  The volunteers will share their talents and skills with the community and learn from the traditions, history, and lives of the people in this town.

Main Responsibilities:

- Participate in the local public high school, helping improve class dynamics
- Teach an after-school English class for high school students motivated to accelerate in English
- Assist the principal in administrative and organizational tasks
- Possibility of helping to create extra-curricular activities (examples: sports teams, music or theater groups, art club, book club, etc)
- Possibility of teaching a computer class for teachers and principal
- Possibility of helping teach daily English classes
- Work at La Garnacha, an ecoutourism destination and organic farming association close to San Nicolas
- Help the farm get ready for Friday market
- Help advise the association on how to attract more tourists – what do gringos like?
- Possibility of helping the association with communication/outreach materials: website, brochures, facebook page

Other Options:

- Assist the Catholic Church with catechism classes, youth groups, or adult Bible studies
- Work with the local library to improve their offerings
- Tutor local adults in English
- Pick coffee when needed
- Offer a weekly English class for elementary school kids
- Host cooking classes or gatherings for people in the community
- Visit, support, and pray with Catholic communities in rural villages

Desired Skills:

- The volunteers must be flexible, creative, and open to having new experiences.
- They should feel comfortable being in charge of their own time and possess the initiative to start new programs under their own direction.
- Training in education or a background in teaching is a plus.
- Experience with agriculture or business is a plus.
- Volunteers should speak at least basic Spanish.
- Experience living in Central America is a plus.
- Volunteers should approach this position through their faith and should adhere to VMM's vision of accompaniment towards a more just world. (Read more about VMM here).

Applicants Should:

- Be college graduates, ages 22 or older
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Be willing to live in two-person intentional community
- Be in good physical and psychological health
- Be single people or married couples with no dependents
- VMM welcomes women and men of all ethnic origins, gender, economic status, and sexual orientations.

Volunteer Provisions:

VMM provides volunteers with:
- Medical and life insurance, including three months of medical insurance after completion of service.
- Monthly stipend.
- Pre-departure orientation
- Visa expenses
- Spanish language training
- Annual retreats with other volunteers in Central America
- Re-entry stipend upon completion of service

How to Apply:

Send a letter of interest and your resume to or We will be receiving applications until February 28, 2015. Feel free to email us with any questions throughout the process!

After reviewing these documents, we'll send you an application. Follow-up skype or phone interviews will be conducted in English and Spanish with eligible candidates. We look forward to hearing from you!

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