Sunday, July 13, 2014

La Isla de Ometepe: a Guide

Last week we took a vacation to Ometepe Island, the largest island in the largest lake in Nicaragua. Its freshwater and tree-lined beaches reminded me a bit of the Great Lakes, but the two active volcanoes sprouting from its shores reiterated that we were definitely not in the Midwest anymore.

Ometepe, a place inhabited by indigenous peoples for thousands of years, is just now beginning to feel the influence of tourism. It's still relatively untouched compared to lots of Central American destinations, but the motorbike rental and natural fruit smoothie businesses that tourists so love have begun to crop up in certain parts of the island. 

And it's no wonder that tourists are beginning to flock to Ometepe; with two stunning volcanoes, a huge natural springs pool, waterfalls, petroglyphs, and miles of gorgeous coastline, Ometepe is brimming with adventures. Here are our recommendations for a trip to Ometepe. 

1. Instead of taking the 1-hour ferry to Ometepe, spend a night in the colonial city of Granada and take the 4-hour ferry from there to Altagracia, Ometepe. In Granada, order avocado fries at El Camello, our favorite Middle Eastern / Mediterranean restaurant, and take in some Nicaraguan art and artifacts at the museum next to the San Francisco cathedral. 

2. On Ometepe, spend some time lounging on Santo Domingo beach, watching the herons and swimming in the super warm water.

3. Swim in Ojo de Agua (the water eye), a crystal-clear natural springs pool.

4. Look out for monkeys.

5. On your last day on Ometepe, climb a volcano. We did the steep, muddy hike to the top of Volcan Maderas, the smaller of the two volcanoes, and our legs are still sore. The reward at the top of Maderas was a cool, misty crater lake. 

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